Sunday, November 27, 2011

That Butler Finally Did It!! *Fist Shake*

On the AGS forum, a relatively new member (only 4 posts) made a post about adventure games being dead. He claims that the 'Butler' did it. We all know if anyone was responsible it would be the maid, not the butler. But I digress... It is a thought provoking thread with lots of thought put into it, and has induced a bit of discussion on both sides of the line. Since I enjoy these kinds of posts, ones which bring forth discussion while not causing flame wars or arguments, I decided to post here so you can check it out and maybe put in your two cents if you feel so inclined.

EDIT : Looks like the thread got out of hand and the moderators on the forum deleted it. :(


  1. "It is a thought provoking thread with lots of thought put into it, and has induced a bit of discussion on both sides of the line."

    Are you sure you haven't mixed up your links? The thread you linked is some kind of mess about porn, cake and ordinal directions.

  2. From what game comes this ominous imagery?

  3. So why was that thread deleted?

  4. When I posted that to the Blog, there were 2 comments, and it looked like a promising thread. I guess it went a little awry and the moderators deleted the thread. Such a pitty when bad things happen to good threads.

  5. @Richard the game is Colonel's Bequest, a Sierra game from the 80s.


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