Friday, August 24, 2012

Lady Grapefruit

Those of you who might wish to support a sometimes-AGSer in her quest to generate a stop-motion musical indie detective adventure may wish to support Deirdra at indiegogo. She's currently just short of 50% of her target! By the way, Lady Grapefruit is what "Dominique Pamplemousse" means. Kinda.


  1. I just took a glance on this page and found your post.
    We made a little stop-motion game using AGS for the last Ludum Dare.

    If you want to take a look, you can find it here :

    But we had problems in the end with the size of the game. Could you tell us if you compressed your pictures and how you did it please ? That would help us a lot.

    I hope you're having as much fun as we had !

  2. Hi Felix, you'd need to ask Deirdra that: try but she's making her game with Adobe AIR, rather than AGS anyway. For techincal questions on AGS, probably best to ask on the forums.


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